About Us
Last decade
Excessive use of conventional agricultural chemicals is a growing worldwide problem. Although the use still answers upon the growing consumer supply and demand, the use to a great extend is harmful to humans, the environment and nature.
Together with you and our partners, we want to work for a new, clean, nutrient-rich world and this motivates us to strive every day for innovative solutions that are effective, sustainable, eco-friendly and especially safe for the future.
Who we are
Lila, is a young international trading company based in Groningen. Our company was born from the desire to leverage our knowledge and extensive network to contribute directly and indirectly to a positive and sustainable way to produce sufficient and safe food in the world.
How we do it
With our carefully selected products and services, we actively support farmers to significantly increase their harvest without drastic intervention. This has been shown by studies conducted by our partner and producer on various crops such as: wheat, rice, corn, vegetables, fruit in countries including the Netherlands, France, India, Romania, Mexico and Colombia.

Our vision
With transparency and with the availability of the right knowledge and innovations in agriculture, it is possible to support all farmers anywhere in the world to perform optimally and to grow sustainably.
Our team
Along with the founders our team consists of well-educated young motivated people who share our vision and passion and are fully committed to satisfy our customers and associates.