Product Information

About silicon
Until 50 years ago silicon was not considered important for agriculture and horticulture, because it was assumed that there was sufficient silicon present in the soil in a state without the usage of any other additives. However, the lack of effectiveness of the amount of silicon already present became clear when additional silicon salts were added to the supposedly healthy soil. The result of the addition was an improved growth of plants by the use of the silicates.

Stabilized silicic acid
Up until a few years ago it wasn’t possible to stabilize silicic acid but then it finally was, which meant we had a solution to prevent any silicic deficiency. The stabilized and bioactive silicic acid was studied in many plant species. The result was more harvest with healthier, more resilient plants and with fewer infections. The stabilized silicic acid may also be combined other beneficial substances (such as boron, zinc or molybdenum). Especially the combination with boric acid has proven to be effective. The developed product was codenamed as “OSAB ‘: Bending Silicon Acid and Boric acid and is now known as ‘ SAAT ‘or’ Silicid Acid Agro Technology

OSAB is environmentally friendly and suitable for ecological agriculture. The product is safe, both for the plant, the soil and nature in general. This is also apparent from the fact that the same product based on silicic acid and boric acid is available on the market as a food supplement for usage by both humans and animals. The ingredients of OSAB are approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for addition to foods.

The application
For the administration of silicic acid, it is combined with a number of other useful nutrients, such as boron, zinc and molybdenum. These products are registered under EU law as ‘CE Foliar fertilizers’ and applied in their specific differentiation under the brand names: AB Yellow, Green AB and AB Orange.

The first foliar sprays needs to be applied at the beginning of the growth phase if there are four leaves formed (at the start of the vegetative phase). Thereafter, depending on the type of crop, follow up with an interval of 2 weeks.

In short, SAAT is environmentally friendly, safe and profitable.

What is silicon
After oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element in the earth. Silicon does not occur in nature in free form, but forming silicon compounds with other atoms. In the soil silicon compounds are different for example, silicon dioxide (sand and stone), silicates (silicic acid salts), biogenic silica (silicon compounds in organic residual material), and silicic acid compounds (silicic acid). Of all the silicon compounds only silicic acid by plants can be absorbed, but due to the reduced concentration, because of the instability, there is a little effective absorbable silicic acid.

Silicic acid is created by transformation of silicates and silicon dioxide. This production is inhibited by pesticides and the use of (too much) fertilizers, which negatively affect the soil life. When silicic acid is formed because of polymerization the positive effect is not biologically available to the plant anymore, but fortunately the polymerization process can be influenced.

By inhibiting the polymerization process, it is possible to provide sufficient silicic acid for the plant, so that we can promote and enhance growth and development of the plant. One can think to better root growth, stronger stalks, enlargement of the leaf surface (with more chlorophyll), higher absorption of nutrients due to a larger root system and is therefore also better perpetuated against biotic and abiotic factors.

Stabilized silicic acid is a major component when the goal is to produce more effectively, efficiently, and more with qualitatively better products.

The effects of ‘SAAT’ in plants:
• Increased root system (more nutrients are being taken). This leads to better anchoring of the root system which means better absorption of nutrients and water.
• Reinforcement and thickening of stalks and stem
• Larger leaves with more chlorophyll (chlorophyll is the “engine” of the plant);

These effects are equal to:
• Higher crop yield with better nutritional value;
• Healthier plants with fewer pesticides needed
• Better resistance to heat, drought and cold;