Welcome to Lila BV

Lila is a young international trading company based in Groningen. Our company was born from the desire to leverage our knowledge and extensive network to contribute directly and indirectly to a positive and sustainable way to produce sufficient and safe food in the world.

Consumption demand is growing every year and therefore also the use of conventional agricultural chemicals. Most food we consume today is in one way or another processed with these chemicals. Although the current demand is being answered, these chemicals still do not contribute to a sustainable, green world. The excessive use is harmful to humans, the environment and nature. And what about the long term consequences?

We are all the solution. Together with you and
our partners we want to work on a new, clean and nutrient-rich world. This motivates us to strive every day for innovative solutions that are effective, sustainable, ecofriendly and especially safe for our future.



Since 2005, 28 seperate trials have been done in several countries around the world for the efficacy on several soil types and climate differences using different concentrations of our foliar spray.

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All the trials resulted in a significantly increased growth, yield increases from 20% to 44%  on various vegetable crops, significant decreases of infections, and increase in quality and improved durability.

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The results show significantly healthier plants, increased cane length, increased leaf area, increase chlorophyll content, lower infection rate (fewer rotten berries) and increased yield up to 43%.

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